Privatization of Kenya Wine Agencies Limited (KWAL) has today proved to be the best decision ever made, in running an entity.
According to KWAL Managing Director Ms Linah Githuka, privatizing the entity came in handy, a move that helped improve its operations. Ms Githuka said KWAL is less bureaucratic and the decision-making process is shorter.
She also pointed out that employees have an upper hand – matters decision making. “They are involved in every stage, engaged at different levels and their suggestions taken into considerations”.
She has also indicated that the volume output doubled and the bottom line improved significantly, after privatization.
In August 2014, the Privatization Commission finalized the sale of 26 per cent stake held by ICDC in the Kenyan wine and spirits firm KWAL through its holding company KWA Holdings E. A. Limited (KHEAL), to Distell Group, Africa’s leading producer of wines, spirits and brandies.